So much for the quiet “year after a presidential election.” 2021 proved to be quite the “off year.” Usually, it seems in the year immediately following a presidential election, there is a chance for all of us to catch our breath, start slowly, and cautious planning for the next election cycle. In 2021…. not so …
Read MoreAlternative Language Ballots Aren’t Enough: Translation Help at the Polls
Twelve months following the Voting Rights Act of 1975, a section of which requires alternative language accessibility on voting material based on the number of minority-language speakers residing in a county, Spanish made its first appearance in the voting process. And for some of the nation’s largest cities, the addition of Spanish to voter registration …
Read MoreSorry, But You’re Not Allowed to Vote
“Sorry, but you’re not allowed to vote.” Imagine if this is what you were told when you arrived at your polling place. Would you feel upset? Frustrated? Helpless? Maybe even scared? For plenty of people with disabilities, this isn’t an imagining, this is reality. Following the 2016 national election, there were many reports from voters …
Read MoreEasy Guide to Improving Accessibility for Retail
The U.S. Census Bureau reports there are an estimated 3.6 million wheelchair users in the United States, and this number is increasing every year due to the aging baby boomer generation. In fact, currently one in five baby boomers faces a mobility challenge, and these baby boomers have the largest percentage of discretionary income at …
Read MoreSave the “Why are you Honking” Stares for Me
I almost ran out of gas this morning. In hindsight – completely foolish of me for too many reasons to count, but we’ll start with the fact that I was traveling in heavy traffic. Do I have a good reason for letting the needle slip so low? Well… not one of which I’m proud. My …
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