Keyless Security™ Pouch

Price: $35.00


SKU: B00432-C14-82cc

Provides tamper-evident protection for operating manuals, election data modules, memory sticks, or other small documents or electronic devices.
  • 1/2 Cloth (front), 1/2 clear (back)
  • Keyless Security™ tamper-evident closure.
  • Close tolerance metal zipper.
  • Window will accommodate 3″ x 5″ card.
  • Clear and 1/2 Clear styles allow bag handlers to verify that module is enclosed, yet data is protected against tampering.
  • Seals sold separately.
  • This Pouch is also works well as a sealed inner bag to be enclosed in a lockable briefcase or courier bag when dual security is required.
  • Embroidery included with purchase of five or more units

How it works:

  • Customer inserts materials into pouch.
  • Seal number is marked on card or tag. Card is inserted into window from inside bag (for paperwork security).
  • Zipper is pulled completely closed and chamber is closed.  A numbered seal is clicked into place.
  • Seal must then be broken in order to gain entry, so if seal is broken or a new numbered seal is present, you will know contents have been tampered with.
*Exclusive Distributor in Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Indiana, and West Virginia.

Dimensions: 10″ x 12″

Material: Front- Arco 600, Back- Clear Vinyl

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